Unraveling the Alien Abduction Mystery: Hypnotherapy's Role

In the midst of recent news about the congressional hearing exposing UFO Alien Cover-Up Allegations, there's an intriguing aspect that rarely makes the headlines - the experiences of individuals who claim to have encountered extraterrestrial life. As a hypnotherapist, I have met dozens of such folk who sought out my services to utilize hypnosis for the purpose to enhance recall and more importantly help them cope with the frequent confusion, fear, and trauma associated with alien abduction experiences. The experiences I have witnessed in my office over the years is a fascinating yet rarely discussed topic.

My encounters with abductees began over twenty-five years ago when I attended a lecture and demonstration by a hypnotherapist named Jane Lake from Tustin, California, who disclosed that she specialized in working with clients who had alien encounters. She claimed that many of her clients were referrals from the U.S. government. The purpose was for gathering information and research.

From my experiences with numerous clients claiming to have had alien encounters spanning over twenty-five years, I believe that they have been occurring with surprising regularity since at least the late eighties.

Many of these encounters involve a form of hypnosis, causing the abductees to experience amnesia regarding their interactions with extraterrestrial beings. Under hypnosis, my clients often recall more of their encounters, and the memories range from benevolent and loving interactions to disturbing and traumatic experiences, even though fragmented. Hypnotherapy has helped many people not only to better remember their experiences but also to address the residual emotional impact these memories have caused over the years.

Specifically, these encounter experiences often are an avenue through which people can overcome the fear, confusion and even PTSD related to their experiences. I found that many of them had not shared their encounters with others for fear of sounding crazy or even losing their jobs.

The fear of sounding insane often keeps many abductees from sharing their encounters with family and friends, leading them to grapple privately with the conflicting emotions surrounding their experiences.

Remarkably, some clients have described an intellectual transformation following their encounters, with enhanced cognitive abilities appearing after the event. One client in particular shared that he went from math delayed struggling to grasp basic concepts and testing far below his grade level to a math genius who went on to become a highly sought after software programmer.


It is important to note that my role as a hypnotherapist is not to validate or disprove the factual nature of these events. My clients seek my assistance not for financial gain or notoriety, but to find solace and healing from the emotional turmoil caused by these encounters. Each person's experience is unique, and for some, the encounter has been a life-altering, positive transformation. Personally, I believe my clients have had these experiences because not one of them has sought fame or recognition from anyone in the aftermath of hypnotherapy.

In the current climate of UFO disclosure and increased transparency, I felt it was an appropriate time to share an aspect of my work that rarely reaches public awareness.

As we await further revelations from the government and the ongoing quest for truth, I hope my disclosure will help others. If you have any questions regarding my clinical experiences, write me back and I am happy to discuss this topic with you. People often suffer silently with this topic for fear of sounding crazy. Believe me. I’ve worked with enough people over the years that I don’t believe that at all.