Here's How Mark Stopped Smoking on His Way to Work


I had a client Mark who came to quit smoking. He is a travel photographer who flies thousands of miles per year to exotic destinations. His concerns were the following:

  • I’ve been smoking most of my adult life.

  • I am around others who smoke at work.

  • Cigarettes are a stress reducer for me.

In a first session, I explain how my smoking cessation program works to break the mental habit of cigarettes which is the predominant problem for anyone who smokes less than 2 packs per day (according to Glaxo Smith-Kline makers of Nicorette gum.)

I explain how I make a custom recording for each smoker which lends to the huge success with my clients.

I explain the simple but CRUCIAL STEPS you must do after you leave the office for the most rapid elimination of the urges.

I hypnotized him and he left.

That was in February 2019.

I didn’t see him again for 1 year! I ran into him at a local restaurant near my house. I asked him if he was smoking. This is what he told me….

“I left your office. I didn’t even feel like I had been hypnotized. I drove to the airport and flew 20 hours to my next work assignment. I listened to the stop smoking hypnosis recording you made for me five times during the 20 hours of travel. I reached my destination and have not smoked since!”


If you need help quitting smoking, let’s talk.